Industrial Films
Product Name : PreScale
Brand : Fujifilm
Manufacturer : Fujifilms India Pvt Ltd
Product Description : The film changes colour based on pressure distribution across the contact surface. Based on the pressure, the intensity of the colour emerges. Red patches will appear on the film wherever contact pressure is applied and the color density indicated will vary according to the differing contact pressure levels.
Prescale film can precisely measure pressure, pressure distribution, and pressure balance.Fujifilm's advanced technology in color film manufacturing enables Fuji to produce extremely thin and stable Prescale films of less than 200μm(100μmx2)Red patches will appear on the film when pressure is applied and the color density changes according to the various pressure levels.There are Seven types of Prescale available to fulfil your varying pressure range.(0.05∼300 MPa)(7.25 psi∼43,500 psi)The film further allows you to scan the print and using a software allows you to analyze the pressure distribution across a specified area or even a pixel.
- Contact pressure of brakes
- clutch plates,and pistons
- Contact pressure of spot-welding machines
- Contact pressure of IC heat sinks
- Planar press pressure for plywood and laminates
- Bonding pressure for LCD panels
- Wafer bonding pressure
- Bonding pressure of fuel cell stacks
- Bonding pressure of laminated print substrates
- ACF bonding pressure
- Bonding pressure for laminated ceramic capacitors
- Suppport pressure for tires and caterpillar tracks
- Support pressure for machines
- bridge beams and tanks
- Contact condition of press dies
- Balance checking of press machines
- Contact condition of press machines for adhesion
- Blanket cylinder pressure of printing machines
- Contact condition of disks for surface polishing (CMP)
- Contact condition of heat seal bars
- Silicon wafer polishing pressure
- Semiconductor chip mounting pressure
- Squeegee pressure for screen-printing(print substrates, etc.
- Functional testing of equipment for baseball,golf, etc.
- Package drop testing, Impact pressure of water jets
- Pressure on freight during transportation, Impact pressure on bumpers and airbags
Product Name : ThermScale
Brand : Fujifilm
Manufacturer : Fujifilms India Pvt Ltd
Product Description : Heat measurement film enables anyone to measure heat distribution easily by just cutting to size and inserting as required. This Fujifilm technology finds wide range of applications and measurement techniques.Thermoscale uses special technology that regulates color intensity and hue in
accordance with heat value to generate a highly accurate depiction of heat values over a wide range.Available in a wide range of temperatures (150°C-200°C) to suit a variety of different applications.
Thermoscale is ideal for applications involving analysis of heat distribution during press, roll, and laminate processes and within drying ovens.
- ACF compression bonding in LCD panels
- Heat-sealed packages
- EVA bonding of solar panels
Product Name : UVScale
Brand : Fujifilm
Manufacturer : Fujifilms India Pvt Ltd
Product Description : Ultraviolet light measurement film enables anyone to measure ultraviolet light amount distribution easily by just cutting to size and inserting as required. This Fujifilm technology finds wide range of applications and measurement techniques
- Checking UV light distribution on a conveyer belt during the OCR attachment process
- Spot exposure
- Food Packaging
Product Name : IX Series
Brand : Fujifilm
Manufacturer : Fujifilms India Pvt Ltd
Product Description : Fujifilm industrial x-ray film feature revolutionary new film technology. The combination of the latest in emulsion making science and computerized manufacturing processes assure consistent batch to batch performance, optimum image quality and compatibility with all NDT chemistries and
current brand tank /automatic processing conditions.The Fujifilm family of films incorporate unique speed, and grain technologies thus permitting their use over a wide range of applications with consistent high quality regardless of the material examined and the source of radiation employed.
- Welds: low to higher atomic number metals
- Castings: Low to higher atomic number metals
- Ordnance inspection
- Graphite epoxy composites
- High curie isotope exposures
- Electronic parts
- Micro-electronic parts
- Neutron radiography
- Critical investment castings
- Graphite composite parts
- High-output supervoltage X-ray exposure
- Heavy, multi-thick steel parts
- Low curie isotope and low-output X-ray exposures